VERTEX       VX-400        Portable Radios

                   Available from     DELCOM INDUSTRIES      

                                Sales phone  334  875-4805                 FAX  phone  334  875-5220

                This model is longer available      See  its replacement VX-261

*New FNB-V94,  1800 mha, NI-MH,  batteries available   for   $36


                                          ---- Discontinued Model ----    only accessories available


8 channels,  5 watts  VHF model   

Units have PL tone or  DPL tone

Comes with desk type 12 hour charger

Small size  4" H x  2.3" W  x 1" D


Any radio purchased from DELCOM INDUSTRIES includes programming on your frequencies and private line tones, at NO EXTRA CHARGE and reprogramming at a later date, for the life of the radio,  Free,  you just pay shipping!        Thats DELCOM SERVICE after the sale.


                              Check on my used equipment and line of portable batteries.

                      I can reprogram your old model portables,  for $10 per radio plus shipping !  



Other     VERTEX,        TEKK,      &      ICOM        portables available:

Motorola   VX-261                      Motorla   VX-264                     Motorola   VX-451

Motorola   VX-454           


TEKK   X-700V  vhf                   TEKK    X-700U  uhf                 TEKK   XV-100  vhf

TEKK   VU-100  uhf                   


ICOM  F3001 / F4001,                  ICOM  F3011 / F4011,               ICOM  F1000S/T



Ask Me Radio questions,   even if you didn't buy it from  Delcom

             Email  me for the free PDF file owner's manuals

                          or    Order equipment  by calling me:

         Phone  Fax  or  Email

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